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- Short: V1.2 Rewrap, reformat, unmime YAM files
- Author: dwhiting@europa.com (Dick Whiting)
- Uploader: dwhiting@europa.com (Dick Whiting)
- Version: V1.2 YToolsNG needs MUI
- Type: comm/mail
- Replaces: comm/mail/YToolsNG*
- Copyright ©1998 by Dick Whiting
- Standard Disclaimer: I wrote it, it works for me, I don't guarantee
- that it will do anything productive for anyone else, etc. etc. ;-)
- HOWEVER, if you do find a use for it: I homeschool my kids and they would
- love a postcard from where EVER you live. Instant Geography Lesson;)
- Postcards: Dick Whiting
- 28590 S. Beavercreek Rd.
- Mulino, Oregon 97042
- Email: Dick Whiting <dwhiting@europa.com>
- Web : www.europa.com/~dwhiting/
- Translations (available or in process)
- Danish Henrik Andreasen larsa@post7.tele.dk
- German Michael Lünse m.luense@t-online.de
- Italian Francesco Mancuso mcfrank@mediatel.it
- If you would like to provide a catalog for these, email them to me
- and I'll post it on my web page and include them in the next update.
- Basics
- ---------
- These two programs and the ARexx scripts to envoke them allow you to
- rewrap badly formatted mail, change headers, do minor final editing of
- mail, insert MUI control codes, and convert quoted-printable formatted
- mail to 8bit plain text.
- Though these were written with Marcel Beck's YAM in mind, they should
- work fine with any mailer that stores its mail in individual files.
- Note that YTCreformat works quite well with ANY text file.
- Requirements
- ---------------
- Nothing additional required (except MUI, of course).
- Quick Start
- -----------
- Copy the programs, their icons, and the *.rexx files into the Yam:rexx
- directory. If you put them somewhere else, you'll need to edit the rexx
- script variable for each program location.
- Add the scripts to the YAM rexx menu or place them on an URB button.
- Select a mail in YAM and run the rexx script.
- If you don't know about URB, look on Aminet:
- URB.lha util/misc Ubiquitous Resource Bars v1.0
- The Arexx scripts are not necessary if you run these from URB, CLI, or
- similar launcher.
- Catalogs directory containing localization pieces
- Readme this readme
- ReadMe.mui information about Stefan Stuntz' MUI
- YTCreformat reformatting program
- YTCreformat.info icon for same...yeah, you want to make one:)
- YTCreformat.readme very short readme for YTCreformat
- YTCreformat.rexx rexx script to call program from YAM
- YTCunmime Quoted-Printable to 8bit converter
- YTCunmime.info icon ... same comment.
- YTCunmime.readme very short readme for YTCunmime
- YTCunmime.rexx rexx script to call program from YAM
- There may be versions of these with a suffix such as '.DK' this
- indicates a Danish version for that file. Over time support of
- additional languages will be added.
- History
- -------
- | v1.2 YTCreformat (v2.1) changes:
- |
- | Considers a line of blanks or a NULL line as a paragraph separator.
- |
- | YTCunmime (v1.1) no changes.
- v1.1 YTCreformat (v2.0) changes:
- Moved Quoting string and wrap length gadgets to main window
- Removed extra window for specifying quoting strings & wrap length
- Now will ask YAM for the selected mail file using ARexx port.
- Added "YAM" button on GUI to load currently selected mail.
- Added error messages for YAM button.
- Removed the need for YTCreformat.rexx if run from URB.
- Removed disabling of "Save" and "Done" when NOT a mail file.
- Warning message for "not mail" now appears only once per file.
- Added option for Stripping quoting WITHOUT rewrapping.
- Changed help text for several gadgets.
- Fixed handling bug if NO lines were selected
- MUI information window now appears on same screen as YTCreformat.
- Removed limit on number of lines able to be processed at one time.
- Added WRAPMAX, WRAPMIN, WRAPLEN arguments to handle special needs.
- Added BUFF=nnnn argument to allow for larger blocks. Default is 4096.
- Added "?" argument to show program arguments
- Added Hide/Show buttons for header listview.
- Upped program and catalogs to v2.0
- Added "ALL" button to select all lines in the body list
- YTCunmime (v1.1) changes:
- Now will ask YAM for the selected mail file using ARexx port.
- Removed the need for YTCunmime.rexx if run from URB.
- Added "?" argument to show program arguments
- v1.0 First released versions.
- Future
- ------
- As I see more of Yam2.0, I'll rewrite other portions of the original
- YamTools in C and include them in updates. I'm also always looking
- for ideas, so feel free to write me if you have any suggestions.
- April 18, 1998
- Dick
- ============================= Archive contents =============================
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 31464 16979 46.0% 18-Apr-98 00:06:18 +YTCreformat
- 3569 894 74.9% 19-Apr-98 14:02:20 +YTCreformat.readme
- 3282 862 73.7% 01-Mar-98 16:28:14 +YTCreformat.rexx
- 3295 875 73.4% 04-Mar-98 23:03:12 +YTCreformat.rexx.DK
- 3292 903 72.5% 17-Mar-98 20:31:50 +YTCreformat.rexx.IT
- 19260 11693 39.2% 03-Apr-98 20:33:18 +YTCunmime
- 3749 989 73.6% 19-Apr-98 14:03:10 +YTCunmime.readme
- 3520 1637 53.4% 19-Apr-98 13:58:56 +ytcreformat.catalog
- 346 226 34.6% 05-Mar-98 01:46:56 +ytcunmime.catalog
- 3930 1788 54.5% 19-Apr-98 13:59:20 +ytcreformat.catalog
- 5231 2290 56.2% 18-Apr-98 00:14:02 +Readme
- 951 487 48.7% 05-Apr-98 16:37:04 +YTCreformat.info
- 360 235 34.7% 02-Mar-98 17:21:10 +ytcunmime.catalog
- 3960 1785 54.9% 19-Apr-98 13:59:40 +YTCreformat.catalog
- 398 253 36.4% 09-Apr-98 00:24:52 +YTCunmime.catalog
- 759 358 52.8% 20-Jan-98 18:40:34 +YTCunmime.cd
- 5871 2123 63.8% 05-Apr-98 23:53:36 +YTCreformat.cd
- 4504 1782 60.4% 06-Apr-98 00:22:28 +YTCreformat.ct
- 405 252 37.7% 05-Apr-98 16:47:20 +YTCunmime.ct
- 892 452 49.3% 06-Apr-98 00:32:58 +YTCunmime.info
- 3197 827 74.1% 01-Mar-98 16:28:10 +YTCunmime.rexx
- 3206 839 73.8% 04-Mar-98 23:03:32 +YTCunmime.rexx.DK
- 5909 2505 57.6% 19-Apr-98 14:01:12 +Readme.DK
- 1083 531 50.9% 04-Apr-98 20:20:30 +ReadMe.mui
- 3542 903 74.5% 07-Apr-98 00:18:10 +YTCreformat.readme.DK
- 3706 992 73.2% 08-Apr-98 18:28:00 +YTCreformat.readme.IT
- 2073 650 68.6% 07-Apr-98 00:19:08 +YTCunmime.readme.DK
- 3154 860 72.7% 17-Mar-98 20:31:46 +YTCunmime.rexx.IT
- 628 249 60.3% 18-Apr-98 00:06:26 YToolsNG.v1.2.info
- 4120 1080 73.7% 08-Apr-98 18:27:54 +YTCunmime.readme.IT
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 129656 56299 56.5% 22-Apr-98 01:42:56 30 files